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Mark 10:15–16 (Listen)

15 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” 16 And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.


Early Childhood Ministries at FBC

First Baptist Church of Hurricane is committed to partner with families in building a spiritual foundation to begin a lifetime of following Jesus. It is our heart to Connect all Preschool Children and their families to Jesus Christ, through worship, learning and ministry to others. It is our hope that your child will learn three basic truths: God made me, God loves me and Jesus wants to be my forever friend.

How do we do this? We strive to create an atmosphere where children can learn Bible truths in ways that are physically and developmentally appropriate, infant – preschool (4-5 yrs old).

We are committed to making sure your child is safe and secure when they are left in our care. All parents are asked to fill out an ID Tag that goes on your child. This tag has information about your child and allows you to keep us up to date about any changes on a regular basis. For safety purposes we do ask that you show the tag to the teacher in order to retrieve your child. Also, all surfaces and toys are disinfected frequently for the health of your children.

Finally, all our volunteers genuinely love preschoolers and believe learning to follow Jesus should be fun. We have a lot of hands on activities, music, games and laughter to help your child experience and apply their weekly lesson to their life. Come and experience the Joy of our Preschool Department at the First Baptist Church of Hurricane anytime.