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Matthew 5:16 (Listen)

16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that1 they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.


[1] 5:16 Or house. 16Let your light so shine before others that


Our Mission

Our Mission is to create a fun and exciting atmosphere where children can grow and develop to love Christ, learn Christ and live Christ.

Sunday Morning Children’s Worship

Children’s Worship is a time for children in grades K-5th to explore God’s Word and connect it to their lives in an intentional way.  We accomplish this through music, hands-on activities, Bible Story Videos and exciting games.  Children’s Worship is offered during the 8:50am service where children will be excused during the Fellowship Greeting and during the entire 11:00am service.

Sunday School

At 10:00am our Sunday School Hour is broken into graded, small group settings.  We use the Bible Studies for Life Curriculum from Lifeway and strive to educate children with Biblical Truths that can be applied to their everyday lives.

AWANA Sunday Nights

AWANA is a discipleship and evangelistic ministry with the goal for each child, ages 3 through grade 5, to “Know, Love and Serve Christ”, thus allowing us to reach more children, so that we can begin teaching them about the Word of God in fun and interactive ways. Children meet from 6:00-7:30 every Sunday evening during the school year.

Wednesday Night Live

Faith comes to life on Wednesday Nights at FBC.Children in grades kindergarten through 5th grade, learn how to share God’s love to others through skits, drama, & musical productions.  WNL meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm.