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Our Vision
Our vision focuses on tomorrow and what we believe God wants us to become as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:28 (Listen)

28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,1 for those who are called according to his purpose.


[1] 8:28 Some manuscripts God works all things together for good, or God works in all things for the good


The vision of First Baptist Church is of a church that:

  • Provides a place where people of all ages can experience love, acceptance, hope, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement.
  • Shares the Good News of Jesus Christ with the people who reside in and around Putnam County.
  • Welcomes persons into fellowship where they can experience God exalting worship in His empowering presence.
  • Develops people, young and old, into fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ through a discipleship process that is Biblically relevant.
  • Equips every believer for a significant ministry by helping them discover their God given giftedness, and by enlisting them in active ministry (lay ministry) within the community of faith and surrounding area.
  • Sends out missionaries and church workers (from the local church) into our community, state and around the world. Every member would be equipped to disciple and reproduce (multiplication).
  • Fully supports mission endeavors through giving, mission trips, and personal relationships with missionaries.
  • Is a Regional Church with a technologically developed sanctuary, a God exalting worship, a counseling and prayer center, classrooms for Bible study and training lay leaders, and a recreation area for fellowship and ministry – touching people in Putnam and surrounding counties to fulfill for our purpose as seen in Jesus Christ – here in Hurricane, WV.

As a result, the Hurricane area will be different in ten – fifteen years, with a Christian influence being increasingly felt in homes, business, education, and the political arena.
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